September 17, 2024

GBC Staff Not Happy As Union Executives Promise To Meet DG And Management To Resolve Issues

The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) Union in collaboration with the PSWU National Secretariat on Tuesday organised a Press Conference to brief the media on current happenings in the National Broadcasting outfit, including issues concerning what occurred during the 13th African Games dubbed Accra 2023.

The General Secretary, Mr. Bernard Adjei disclosed that the Union had  been divided previously so they could not negotiate with management,  however now that they are united, their problems of welfare,  conditions of service, medicals, victimization, salaries / allowances and other issues would be solved.

He appealed to the staff to exercise patience so that they can meet the Director General and management to resolve and see to the amicable solution of all issues and problems.

Mr. Adjei noted that the Union leaders met management who have agreed for negotiations.

He hinted that most of the issues are internal matters and can not let them out to the public for safety and security reasons, for example the restoration of salaries of their chairman.

They therefore called off an intended Industrial Action as the Director General has agreed to meet them on their demands.

Most of the workers were really angry and not convinced in their red attires and red bands.

Present were the Union Chairman Sam Nat Kevor, his Vice Edith Jessica Kalleh and Deputy General Secretary John Sampah.

Mr. Kevor who was however not happy like most of the staff hopes that matters would be solved for all parties to remain calm and work with happiness as GBC has a major role to play in the country’s development, especially when it is about a few months to the general elections. By Sammy Heywood Okine