October 6, 2024

Who Is Who ? Baubali Versus Soldier Boxer at Bukom Boxing Arena On June 29 By Ayitey Powers Promotions

One of the big fights that boxing fans in Accra have been waiting for is coming to happen at the Bukom Boxing Arena on June 29, 2024.

It is between two heavy braggarts, 31 years old Ernest Akushey aka Buabali (6-0-0) from Chorker and 23 years Elvis Ahorgah aka Soldier Boxer (12-2-0).

Ayitey Powers Promotions has taken up the challenge to stage the bout alongside others.

For over two years, the two boxers have been seizing up each other and throwing words. It is now time for the rumble and fans will have mush to cheer about.

Certainly it is a bout never to be missed. There would be other interesting bouts on the bill.

By Sammy Heywood Okine