September 19, 2024

What You Should Know About The Medals And Mascot At The 13th African Games

The medals for the 13th African Games are shaped into the Adinkra symbol called ‘Fihankra’.

‘Fihankra’, is an Akan language and in the Ghanaian context symbolizes an enclosed and secured compound house house.

Within the compound house, there is one entrance and one exit that guarantee that the movement of the members of the house is public knowledge.

It also symbolizes a united family.

The Games Torch

The Accra 2023 Games Torch is in the form of a golden stool ‘Akrafena’ sword.

It is a symbol of power or authority in the Ghanaian society, mainly used in taking and swearing the oath office by chiefs and the President of the Republic of Ghana.

The symbol of ‘Gye Nyame’ which means except God is also incorporatec on the handles to reflect the African belief in a superior being.

The color for the torch is metallic gold.

The Games Cauldron – Black Pot

The Games Cauldron plays a major role in the Torch Relay. The lighting of the Games Cauldron symbolizes the end of the Torch Relay and the beginning of the Games.

The Accra 2023 cauldron is based on the concept of the African Black Pot which takes after a typical cauldron. The cauldron shares with the torch the design element of the Adinkra symbol ‘Gye Nyame’ except God.

The colour for the Games Cauldron is black just like the original African Black Pot.with the ‘Gye Nyame’ inscribed on it.

The Mascot

The Mascot for the 13th African Games, Accra 2023 is an Eagle adorned in the Ghana flag.

The Eagle is a symbol for the traditional authority of the Ghana and the flag is a symbol of our Nationhood as a nation, Ghana.

It symbolizes everything in Ghana, it is wealth, royalty, spiritual purity, unity, honorable achievements and strong family bonds.

By Sammy Heywood Okine