September 17, 2024

LOC presents Transport Manual for Accra 2023 to TCAG

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the 13th African Games has presented a proposed transportation plan to the Technical Committee of the African Games (TCAG).

Samson Deen, who is the portfolio head for transportation for Accra 2023, made a presentation on transportation arrangements for the Games to members of the TCAG.

Samson Deen addressing members of the TCAG and LOC members during a working session at the Alisa Hotel in Accra on Friday, September 29, 2023.

“There will be a vehicle allocation for Games to ensure that transportation and movement of athletes and officials is very soon,” he said during his presentation.

Ghana will welcome over 13,000 visitors to the West African nation for the March 2024 Games.

The opening ceremony of the 13th African Games will be on Friday, March 8, 2024.
