September 17, 2024

GNAT (Bediako) Hall In Accra To Host Regional Finals Of 2023 HD+Kids Armwrestling

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Hall in the capital will be the venue and action spot on Saturday, September 30 for the grand finals of the Regional Championship of the HD+ Kids Armwrestling Championship.

The time to have the *#FeeliFeeli experience is happening live and students and parents can never miss.

The news that Ghana will host the World Armwrestling Championship in 2024 has escalated the feelings to different degrees and levels as this competition will also serve as a curtain raiser to bigger experiences in the coming season.

The Ghana Armwrestling Federation (GAF) has been very explosive in its activities in the schools and security services like Ghana Police and Ghana Immigration.

Thanks to SES HD Plus, Twellium Industries, GNTV Junior, T. T. Brothers, Joy Prime, Asempa FM, 442GH, Happy FM, Woezor TV, Ghana Education Service, GHOne TV, Wadada Ventures and the entire media who have supported the dynamic leadership of the Federation.

Mr. Charles Osei Asibey, President of the Ghana Armwrestling Federation who triples as African President and World Vice President wants to prove that it can be done, so he deserves to be supported and encouraged.

He is Vice President of the Ghana Athletics and Secretary General of the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG).

The HD+ Kids competition hopes to attract a bigger crowd than last year, because the gospel of Armwrestling is spreading and Saturday’s proceedings at the GNAT Hall will be *Live on GTV Sports+ and Ghana Armwrestling Facebook Page*.

By Sammy Heywood Okine