September 19, 2024



As part of activities to commemorate this year’s international Day for Sport for Development and Peace, The United Nations has engaged Dr. Bella Bello BITUGU, Director of Sports, University of Ghana, Legon as a guest speaker.

The theme for the event is dubbed ” Scoring for people and Planet: Sports and the social, Economic and Environmental Dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The affable and learned scholar is expected to speak on the topic “The Sport and Economic Dimensions of the SDGs”.

The program is organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and social Affairs (UNDESA). Division for Inclusive Social Development (DSID).

Dr. Bitugu is a Board member at the Ghana Olympic committee and has contributed a lot in the development of the Least Finance Sports in Ghana.

Dr. Bella Bello BITUGU is Austrian trained ,oversees all matters relating to Sports at the University of Ghana. He is an expert in Development through Sport which uses sport to address Development and various societal issues.

He teaches at the University of Ghana and other universities in Europe. He participates and consults on numerous projects and has vast publications in this and related areas of Sport and Development.

The astute scholar is a governing board member of international council for Martial Arts under the auspices of UNESCO.

Dr. Bello is an appeal committee member of the Ghana Football Association and current Technical Advisor to the Honourable Minister of Youth and Sports.

Dennis Kweku Moore
Ultimate Sports