September 20, 2024

40 Ring Officials Introduced And Issued Provisional Participation Certificates By GBA

The Ghana Boxing Authority(GBA) extends greetings to boxing stakeholders in Ghana and beyond, and wishes them the best of all Christmas approaches, and as the magnificent De-Luxy Professional Boxing League draws to the final fight night at the Bukom Boxing Arena on December 24.

The 40 aspiring boxing ring officials who took part in the 2-day orientation course on December 1st  and 2nd 2022 were introduced to the public. They were given participatory certificates.

Some of the trainees are amateur ring officials, who want to upgrade to the professional level.

The incoming ring officials include a Police officer, Army officers, University graduates, tax officer, law student and media practitioner. The only lady amongst them is a Military Officer.

Experienced Mr. J.A Annang, 5 star rated Mr. Roger Barnor and 3 star rated Dr. Ofori Asare were the resource persons who took the participants through theoretical and practical presentations and practical drills.

The trainees are supposed sit for an assessment examination in February,2023 to  determine their role and position as Referees, Judges, Referee/Judges and Match Commissioners.

The participants have been provided with pamphlets on fight officiating, scouring of fights, rules and regulations governing professional boxing both locally and internationally.

Charles Quartey Boxing Foundation (CQBF) have maintained their top position and solidify their hopes of with the league title and may drive home a brand new Renault Car.

Wisdom Boxing Gym are also comfortably laid at the bottom of the League Table.


By Sammy Heywood Okine