September 20, 2024

2022/2023 Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League (WPL) Launched At Labadi Beach Hotel

After 12 years of no major official sponsor of the Ghana Women’s Premier League, Guinness Ghana Breweries has come on board to support the women’s game with the Malta Guinness brand.

The grand launch took place at the Labadi Beach Hotel on Wednesday evening.

Madam Dinah Adu Asare, Marketing Manager of Guinness Ghana Breweries welcomed guests to the program with the message of partnership as an important idea that will promote Ghana Football and sports in general, for a worthy cause.

Present were some CEOs, coaches and top executives of the 20 Women’s Premier League clubs as well as members of Women’s League Board including experienced sports journalist Mrs Rosalind Amoh. Giovanni, a popular Presenter at TV 3 was also in attendance.

Madam Hillary Boateng, Chairperson of the Women’s League Board expressed her gratitude to Guinness Ghana for coming on board.

“We appreciate you for heeding to our call for a three year agreement which we hope will be renewed” she expressed.

She anticipate an exciting season with fair officiating to get a true champion at the end of the 2022 /2023 season.

Mr. Fadi Tattal of Max TV promised to offer quality coverage of the clubs and matches. He appealed to the media to respect media rights, and introduced four female presenters and commentators of the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League.

Madam Helene Weesie, Managing Director of Guinness Ghana Breweries said football unites the world and women need support which Malta Guinness will provide.

She said it is time to show the world the fighting spirit to deliver the wins. “Malta Guinness firmly believes in creating a Can Do World for everyone” she stressed.

She expressed that Malta Guinness is in to inspire and encourage the female footballers to showcase their talent.

She hinted that Guinness Ghana Breweries has placed women in key positions of the company.

She appealed to football fans to support and cheer the players and take the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League to the next level.

She thanked the GFA president for his toughness and smooth management skills.

Mr. Kurt Okraku, the President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) said when he promised to raise the commitment of the women’s game two years ago, many doubted, but it has come to pass and now there is a clear way for female football in Ghana.

He urged all stakeholders to prove their personal and collective commitment to Ghana Football, as the love and focus is on the women’s game.

He commended Max TV for their contribution in showing the matches live and later.

The League is divided into Northern and Southern zones with ten clubs in each zone. Ampem Darkoa Ladies are the current champions.

Captains of the 20 clubs joined hands to launch the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League.

The Die Hard Supporters Union led by Apirigu Chakapama were also present to dish out local Jama songs.

By Sammy Heywood Okine