September 21, 2024


Abaka Kurotimi winning the Osagyefo criterium race by a whisker of a second

There is the tide in the affairs of men, which when taken at the floods,leads unto fortune”

This maxim could best describe Nigerian sprinter, Abaka Kurotimi’s opportunity he capitalized on to narrowly edge Ghana’s Michael Agbugblah of Gutten Cycling club to second spot, securing the ultimate prize of a cool Gh20,000.

By the 14th Lap Isaac Sackey was in charge of the bunch

The Nigerian rider clocked a time of 3hrs,20mins,12secs over the 129.5 km circuit to cross the Technology line by a whisker of 34 micro seconds to deflate the lifeline wish of the Gutten Cycling Wheeler.

Gladiators Cycling club sprinter, Victor Cudjoe Akpabli came through the third spot in 3hrs,21mins,58secs.

The Race:
The male category was the main centre of attraction in this year’s event and the arduous task of clearing the 25 lap circuit covering a distance of 129.5km was even more daunting.

From left- Shaaban Mohammed, Charles Hansen-Quao,Dr. Ofosu Asare (LOC Chairman) and Chief Gladiator Mr Kojo Graham

Hostilities sparked the moment the white flag was flung and immediately, the ambitious bunch had already began the miniature attacks. Too early perhaps.

The first 5 Laps was unpredictive. Any rider could command the bunch. But the entire peloton clearly never budged in the precariousness of the Nigerians or Burkinabees.

By the 10th lap, the crowd had sunk in optimism for the Ghanaians because the Nigerians had started dictating the pace. The bend around the Tigo office was very conducive for the visitors. And the flat surface of the road obviously favoured a couple of them since they were natural rollers.

The Ghanaians took over the control gear around the 13th lap with Anthony Boakye in the helm of affairs but as speculated, received the usual chase from his local colleagues. Boakye, who is the eye of the race, then relaxed and sat in the bunch. The expectational outputs of Lawrence Adjei, Frank Akuffo and Victor Cudjoe had been shortlived. They carefully preferred to stay inside the boiling peloton – perhaps to reserve more energy for the final finish. But it was a little too late.

Abaka Kurotimi – Winner, Osagyefo criterium race 2022

Now, when the flag man, Eric Adjetey Sowah, affectionately called “30 laps” indicated on the white board “15 laps more to go”, the bunch revived into seriousness. Isaac Sackey, Emmanuel Otukornor Sackey and Emmanuel Gabriel of Team Nigeria had surfaced in an attempt to test their pulse in pulling the entire bunch.

Close to the 19th lap, the hitherto close shave bunch movement had developed into a total disintegrated echelon comprising Nigerians, sprinter Abaka Kurotimi, Bethel Vitalis and Ghana’s sole drafter, Michael Agbugblah. The latter finally secured a singular breakaway 6 laps into finish and recorded all the media attention. The crowd cheered him on in disbelief.

From commentary position, it was quite astonishing to see the likes of Emmanuel Otukornor Sackey,Isaac Sackey, Lawrence Adjei, Anthony Boakye and Frank Akuffo still “immersed” in the torn bunch. Agbugblah and Abaka dictated the race thereon. And it was just 5 more laps to go. The weather very conducive at this stage.

The descent from the Ridge Hospital,snaking around the liberation circle, through the Conference centre was a delight to watch. Great pedal control coupled with quality cadence output saved Gutten club’s Michael Agbugblah, who, by an unbelievable conception, had been steadily drafting the Nigerian.

All this while it was virtually impossible to see the shadows of the chasing peloton, who were trailing by the almost 1minute and some seconds by the break away duo.

Abaka Kurotimi capitalized on the lucklustre approach of Michael Agbugblah to work on the relay and angrily tore off in the final lap around the Access Bank bend around the Osu Cemetery. The Ghanaian was unperturbed. He kept drafting consistently until the final bend towards the finish line when the beauty of the sprint finish burst out in “flames”.

Within a twinkle of a second, the drafting Gutten cyclist veered off the backwheel of Abaka, flung on his bike and attempted to sprint past the technological finish line. Abaka resisted, shifted his gear ratio and looking back from his left side, increased the leftover glycogen in the legs to sprint across the finish line by a whisker of 34 micro seconds to win the Gh20,000 ultimate prize.

In the coming seconds, Victor Cudjoe Akpabli of Gladiators Cycling club came through the third position, Solomon Tagoe of Gutten Cycling club coming through fourth with Team FCG’s Maxwell Doku placing fifth in a time of 3,21,58.

The youngest male rider category went to Joseph Neequaye of SkyTeam.

In the female category, the distance of 77.7km encompassing 17laps recorded a predictable win for yet another Nigerian rider, Ukpeseraye Ese Lovina in a time of 2:31:09:41 taking home the ultimate prize money of Gh10,000 with smiles. Another Nigerian, Deborah Alasebieton placed second in 2:49:22:06 with Ghana’s representative at the Birmingham Games,Erica sedzro of Sky Team getting the third spot in 3:07:11:85.

The youngest female rider went to Augustina Awewarlor of the Vida Cycling club.

Special Prizes of recognition went to the Chief Gladiator Mr Kojo Graham Esq, Founder of Gladiators Cycling club, Mr. Charles Hansen-Quao and the entire Gladiators Cycling club family.

One more delight at this year’s race was the presence of the LOC chairman for next year’s Africa Games 2023 ,Dr. Kwaku Ofosu Asare who was doubling as a representative for the sector Minister,Hon Mustapha Ussif. He, together with Chief Gladiator Mr Kojo Graham Esq presented medals and cash prize for the ultimate winner.

In his remarks, Dr. Kwaku Ofosu Asare was highly elated at the organization of the event and even more dazzled by the use of transponders.

“The race was amazing particularly the finishing. I must also commend the organizers for the usage of the transponder. That is the real innovation in Cycling. And we looking forward to relying on this very component of equipment in the African Games.” -He mentioned.

Dr. Ofosu Asare mentioned that the race has given him the hope. And that Ghanaians should be rest assured ” the African Games would be hosted by Ghana”.

“It’s been a wonderful day and Cycling has a future”- he concluded.

The Ghana Cycling Federation, Motor Transport Traffic Division (MTTD), Media and other sponsors like DHL,Voltic were duly recognized for their contribution to making the event a successful one.

Dennis Kweku Moore
Cycling Writer