September 21, 2024

Ghana Black Bombers In High Hopes

Ghanaian boxers and technical men at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham are in high hopes as some of the Black Bombers drew byes and qualifies for the next round of the competition.

Lartey Jessie Lartey from Ghana had a walk over in he’s first attempt, just like Captain Quartey Abubakari Kwesi who had a walk over in his first bout.

Kotey Alfred and Mensah Abraham also had walk overs.

2016 Olympian and 2014 Commonwealth Games medalist Omar Abdul Wahib will face Jamie Devine from  Isle Of Man on July 29.

Joseph (Jaguar) Commey will be facing Botoro Aaree from Kiribati on July 30.

Addo Yaw Samuel will face  Paiva Clepson Antonio Dos Sant from Northern Ireland on August 1.

Coach Asare said the walk overs are good and they will go all out to bring glory and medals to Ghana.

“We have prepared and we are determined to win against all opposition and all odds” he told Yours Truly.

By Sammy Heywood Okine