September 21, 2024

AIJA organises traditional chess tournament for sports journalists

The Azerbaijan Sports Journalists Association (AIJA) and the Mammadyarovs Chess Club jointly organised a traditional chess tournament among media representatives.

Sports reporters of AzerTag, Idman TV, Azad Azerbaijan TV, “Football+”, “Azerbaijan” and “Xalq qazeti” newspapers, websites participated in the tournament, which took place at the Mammadyarovs Chess School.

The blitz tournament was held in a round-robin system consisting of 9 rounds. Aysel Adigozalli of, who scored 8.5 points in the end, won the championship. Ramiz Guliyev from AzerTag took the second place with 8 points, Ilkin Khalilov from ATV took the third place with 6.5 points.

The winners were awarded trophies, diplomas and cash prizes by AIJA President Eldar Ismayilov, tournament director, women’s international grandmaster Zeynab Mammadyarova and Chief Judge Fidan Talibova.

The participants of the tournament (from left to right in the front row) match referee Fidan Talibova, international grandmaster Zeynab Mammadyarova, AIJA President Eldar Ismayilov, reporter Aysel Adigozalli. (From top left to right) Elshan Agalarov (“Xalq qazeti” newspaper), Rasim Huseynov (freelance photojournalist) Kamran Haji (, Emil Aliyarli (, Rizvan Jafarov (“Azerbaijan” newspaper), Ramiz Guliyev (AzerTag), Kanan Hasanov (“Football+” newspaper), Ilkin Khalilov (ATV), Ilkin Vidadioglu ( (Photo by AIJA)Source AIPS