September 21, 2024

Swimmers Parents Association of Ghana welcomes home Team Ghana from Dakar, Senegal

The Swimmers Parents Association of Ghana (S.P.A of Ghana ) welcomed home the gallant young swimmers of Ghana from an impressive championship at the Cana Zone 2 Swimming and Open Water Championship in Dakar, Senegal.

Ghana presented 9 swimmers namely Abeiku Gyekye Jackson, Papa Yaw Poku-Dwomoh, Christian Nortey,Titus Ankrah,Kow Jackson, Nubia Adjei,Unilez Takyi,Kaya Forson and Zaira Forson. These gallant talented young swimmers were able to bring home 29 medals comprising of 4 gold ,10silver and 15bronze medals. Ghana also had 4 trophies for Unilez Takyi,Abeiku Jackson,The Ladies 4*200m and Team Ghana Representation.

The Swimmers were welcomed home with a surprised JAMA section led by Die Hard Supporters Union of Ghana, Abraham Nkansah ( Apiuruguchakapaama ). The surprise on the faces of the delegation meant that they never expected something like this but the Swimmers Parents Association of Ghana planned it within three hours to welcome home our Heroes and

Heroine as the other ladies had to leave to their bases in Spain and Italy.

Ayekoo to our gallant children and we know Ghana is proud of our collective hardwork with the Mother Association called Ghana Swimming Association. The Swimmers Parents Association of Ghana ( S.P.A of Ghana) will always support our children to reach the limits. We know the World Fina Swimming Championship 2022 in Budapest, Hungary and the Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham, UK is just around the corner and we will support the Ghana Swimming Association with all that we have to make ” Swimming” the number sport in Ghana.
