September 20, 2024

Veep of GBF calls for support for female boxers

Mr. Dauda Fuseni, Vice President of the Ghana Boxing Federation GBF has appealed to corporate Ghana to support the female boxers who are going to represent the nation at international tournaments.

Speaking to Yours Truly in an exclusive interview, he said the companies should not wait for the GBF to bring proposals before they support, but when they read in the newspapers and online and hear in the radio or see on the television, they can come forward.

According to Mr. Dauda, it is sad and painful for the girls to train for weeks and months only to be told at the last minute that there are no funds for them to travel for competition.

He said the companies must be socially responsible and support sports men and women, because sports bring joy, happiness, unity and love to the nation.

He stressed that everyone has a talent, but the talent must be polished and used well to benefit the individual and the nation.

He noted that Boxing is the sport that has brought the nation most honours and laurels but the boxers are neglected to be on their own with the financial burden always on the executive of the GBF.

He urged the Ministry of Youth and Sports as well as the National Sports Authority to support the boxers in their programmes so that they can have frequent fights to keep them in shape and improve their records.

He commended Adoa TV who presented mineral water and cash to the Black Hitters as the female national team are known, and urged other media houses to do same.

“Ghana has very good female boxers, but they are not given the exposure, it is the media that have been supporting, but we need to go to tournaments to test our strength” he added.

The Black Hitters who train daily under Coach Abdul Rashid ‘Believer’ Williams at The Gym Boxing Club in Accra missed a lucrative event in India recently, but they want to participate in another tournament coming up in Turkey in June.

Faruza Osman is the spokes person of the Black Hitters which included Sarah Apau, Ramatu Quaye, Janet Adjei, Janet Acquah, Nasara Fuseni, Trudy Manteaw, Anatu Mohammed, Perpetual Okaija and Abigail Quartey.

GBF President Ben Quartey, Treasurer Mustapha Nettey, Communications Director Joojo Ephson are in support of better treatment for the female boxers.

By Sammy Heywood Okine