September 20, 2024


The Ghana Flying Disk Association – GFDA, has climaxed this year’s activity on its calendar with a successful organization of the J. Heneghan Youth Ultimate competition inside Nungua Town Park.

Youth from the La Ultimate Win club controlled honours by emerging victors on the day.

The event was primarily organized to honour J. Heneghan, a renowed Coach for his immense contribution in the promotion of the “Ultimate” Frisbee Game in Ghana.

The “Ultimate” Frisbee Game is gradually spreading its tentacles across the various regions of Ghana.

Mr. Kwame Mantey , President of Ghana Flying Disk Association,GFDA, believes the immersion of the Sport into the Ghanaian space would offer opportunities for the youth to explore their innate talents and build their cognitive development.

The GDFA intends to engage in other international competitions as part of their future programs.

The hierarchy of GDFA has tabled down plans as well to sharpen the Technical abilities of the Game by offering a coaches/ trainers course in the not too distant future.

“Ultimate ” originally known as Frisbee, is a non-contact sport played with a frisbee flung by hand. It was developed in 1968 by AJ Gator in Maplewood,New Jersey.

Some interesting rules governing this novel sport in Ghana includes: i.players must not take steps while holding the disc,
ii.points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in the opposing end zone.

The National Sports Authority is already pregnant with over 48 sporting disciplines with approximately 10 being the most active aside Football.

The “baptism” of the “Ultimate” Game would add more spice and more especially engage the youth into using the Game to build on their psychological, physiological and social sporting life.

Dennis Kweku Moore
Senior Sports Journalist