September 20, 2024


Mawuko Afadzinu- President,Table Tennis Federation

Feature by Dennis Kweku Moore, Journalist.

Well, am sure many Journalists would appreciate the fact that I played a huge role in the GOC Elections in2020.

I recall my sleepless nights and nocturnal walk abouts around the Sports stadium ( I didn’t mention Accra sports stadium) just to sniff on informations that would break the opponents front.

The Elections itself was very interesting. Every tactical move by the Green Team worked out perfectly. The modus of planning and execution ahead of the 2021 polls was super.

Charles Osei Assibey – President, Armwrestling

Anyway, my focal feature is on the vacancy left at the corridors of the Ghana Olympic committee – the 1st Vice Presidency.

The late Paul Atchoe handled that very seat with a class of touch. The patience and dexterity. I remember one of my interview sessions with him and he was like ” it’s all about team work, we shall surely get there”.

Well, so I ask myself” who can succeed this man as the next 1st Vice of the GOC?

The analysis I have gathered simplifies this puzzle. The Green Team was very strong when it attained power. Very strong.

Mr. Richard Akpokavie Esq.

But when we are to dissect the relationship between past and present, the latter would simply describe the Green Team as underdogs in this by- Election. Clear.

You see, as we speak, nobody, and I frankly reiterate, nobody from the Green Team can win that vacant seat.

After scanning through the system, no Executive member of the Green Team would want to relinquish his position to go that grap. Nobody.

The odds have favoured the other side of the coin. Whether we like it or not. And pretty shortly I will be mentioning such likable names that can fill this gap.

But wait! Who is eligible to stand for that position? My research tells me if and only your Federation appoints you, you are good to go! Wow! Meaning I could go myself!

All the respondents i spoke to about this my feature waved the white flag in favour of the other side. Don’t ask me what “the other side means”.

From my empirical experience at the GOC Elections and my visual study on the notable names that could annex the vacancy position, only two comes to mind. Only two.

The indefatigable, learned personality and sports administrator par excellence,Mr. Akpokavie and champion President Mawuko Afadzinu comes to the fore. Now, any other name that would be mentioned will just be a persona non grata in this upcoming exercise. Fact.

As i indicated earlier, no homosapien from the Green Team would dare stand. It is a foregone conclusion.

I have tasted water and alcohol ( don’t think I drink), and I have come to accept and to present to you these two noble personalities for the vacancy slot.

Pushing me to the wall will further increase the adrenaline levels of my cherished readers. I said it. Expectations will be high in this prediction. But hey! Facts are sacred and comments are free.

Mr. Richard Akpokavie Esq. is the ultimate decider should elections even roll today. That is if I am to pick just one out of the two I mentioned earlier.

What we are all waiting for as at now is the rapid organization of the Annual General Meeting of which I believe will be impregnated with this very exercise.

The constitution of the GOC states on article 9 clause 6: “Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by election of a new member for the remainder of the term at the next Congress”. So at the next AGM the new 1st Vice President should be elected? Wow👌🏻.

Anyway, something special is about to shake Ghana. Who fills the gap? Which gap? The vacancy of the 1st Vice Presidency at the Ghana Olympic committee. Yes.

Mr. Richard Akpokavie in my humble estimation stands tall amongst every dreamer. He ground is solid for the intelligent, affable, honest and experienced sports administrator. Finished.

Lest I forget, in case the two personalities I have selected decide not to contest, nobody from the Green Team can win. Infact the dice will fall on yet two other brain Champions, Mr. Charles Osei Assibey and Mr. Evans Yeboah. Think about that.

Dennis Kweku Moore