September 21, 2024

Team Ghana settles at Games Villages in Birmingham

Alhaji Abdul Yartey, Chairman of the Communications Committee of the GOC/ CGA says all athletes and coaches who left Accra for the United Kingdom have settled and are in high spirits and hopes.

The athletes have started training and they are looking sharp and ready for action. They are in facilities that look perfect and really right for Sports.

Alhaji Yartey who is also the President of the Ghana Bodybuilding and Fitness Association said the contingent have been advised to be worthy Ambassadors and be disciplined, not to tarnish the image and good name of Ghana.

“To bring to your attention that the Ghana based athletes component of our delegation (forming the majority) have all arrived and settled in their various rooms at the games villages… only one Boxer couldn’t board the flight on 21st because his visa start date was end of July” he said..

“It was later sorted out and he arrived to join his colleagues at the games village. There were few issues of misplaced/missing  luggages especially with the swimming team which are currently been dealt with. The  teams have already started training and the Male Hockey Team had a training against South Africa ” he added. .

Alhaji Abdul Yartey informed that the kits left Parma-  Italy at 6:15pm on Friday … it’s scheduled to be in UK by Monday.

He further explained that the CDM had liaised with the Ghana High Commision to help with the port clearance, hoping to clear it on Tuesday 26th July for distribution to the athletes and officials.

Meanwhile, the Federation heads and others team leaders will leave during the week.

In another development, most of the media who applied for accreditation to cover the Games have secured their visas but having challenges and difficulties to get plane tickets to travel.

It is just sad to note that the Ministry of Youth and Sports must support the media men and women, but nothing has been done as they are also playing a major role in promoting sports and letting the world know what the athletes and nation is doing in terms of sports.

By Sammy Heywood Okine