October 5, 2024


Life’s a hustle, and nothing good comes easy, but remember, you are not just anyone. You are The Ghana Amputee National Football Team, and your potential for success is limitless. So, hold on and don’t give up in the face of all challenges. Just know that the hard times you are going through now won’t last forever. The good times are indeed coming due to this coming glorious victory.

Remember, your journey is unique. More often than not, some succeed because they’re destined to, and others succeed because they’re determined and focused. You, The Ghana Amputee National Football Team, are a testament to this. Your determination and focus have brought you this far, and it will lead you to even greater heights.

Always remember that success is no accident; it’s attained through hard work, perseverance, learning, overcoming obstacles, sacrifice, and your unwavering love of the game. Your dedication to the sport sets you apart and makes you a team to be reckoned with.

Maintain your focus and keep moving, not just for yourself but also for each other. Remember, if you give up in the face of difficulties, you give oxygen to and equip those who don’t wish you well. But if you stand together, united in your goal, nothing can stop you.

Always be happy and cheerful in the face of challenging times because those times will undoubtedly pass. Hustle and endure in silence, paving the way for success to make the noise.

Don’t forget that our happiness is the greatest revenge against those who wish to bring you down & so don’t allow the failings of our past to affect your forward march.

The Per diems, The Bonuses and the 1st African Para Games Victory Bonuses will all be paid; I Promise You, It shall be paid. Your hard work and dedication will not go unnoticed. Win trophy For Me, yourselves and Win For The Ghanaian Population of Persons With Disabilities; Win For The Honest Ghanaian.

Make Ghana Proud!!!