September 20, 2024

Ghanaian Boxing Experts Condemn Judges’ Decision On UBO Bout At Salafest Boxing Gala 2024

Most Ghanaians especially Boxing experts and lovers of the sport have come out to condemn the results of the UBO Light Heavyweight Championship between Ghana’s experienced Bastie Samir and Student of the game, Rasheed Idowu of Nigeria on April 13 which was declared a Technical Draw and later awarded to the man from Ibadan.

Former President of the Ghana Boxing Authority, Lawyer Peter Zwennes said he never saw any illegal punch as informed by the organisers, then he expressed that it is not fair because the continent must have worthy champions like Idowu who really exhibited good sportsmanship.

“How can this be declared a technical draw? Which foul did the Nigerian Boxer commit? For years we have been complaining about the horrible decisions against our Boxers in Nigerian rings. Are we trying to do the same thing here?” he asked.

Mr. Augustus Dodoo an executive member of the United Boxing Coaches Association of Ghana blamed the half baked referees and Judges involved in international bout.

He called for the use of credible and experienced officials like Roger Barnor and Erasmus Owoo.

“I don’t know why they made it a draw, because it was a knockout, Ghana boxers have to step up their game because Nigerian’s are now far ahead of us now in terms of boxing and it’s funny how we handing things now” he expressed.

Former Vice President of the Sports Writers Association of Ghana SWAG, Maurice Quansah said Bastie was not fit and conditioned for the bout.

“We can all watch a playback of the fight. In all honesty, this was a very shameful decision. Even before the knockout, I noticed that anytime Bastie Samir was in trouble the referee stepped in to warn the Nigerian boxer for whatever reason I cannot tell. It only allowed time for Bastie to recover even though he was not in good shape and the Nigerian outclassed him throughout the fight” said the Editor of Graphic Sports

Nii Otoe Bruce -Tagoe, a Boxing Photographer at the ring side said Bastie lost clean and clear because he was floored nicely and timely and could not even control himself going into the ropes.

Sammy Ofosuhene of Boxing Ghana said “Agreed. Bastie was a stamina suspect throughout the fight. He was a shadow of his old self. Perhaps age is catching up with him as well. And you are RIGHT….The decision was simply unacceptable”.

Ace Sports Journalist, Sammy Heywood Okine, President of Boxing Writers Association of Ghana (BWAG) said it is sad and a bad day for Ghana Boxing.”Yes it’s a sad day because Bastie Samir is one of our admired boxers, but he looked not prepared physically for the fight and the way he went down was predicted.” he said.

Karimu King, a former boxer, now coaching in Italy said it was a stolen verdict because everyone saw that Rasheed Idowu won. He stressed that Bastie need to go back to the gym to correct his mistake.

Many people blamed the Ghana Boxing Authority (GBA) for not declaring the winner, since it was clear that Bastie was knocked down clearly in round two and even went out of the ropes.

President of the GBA, Mr. Abraham Neequaye who said Ghanaians talk too much, later came to explain they took the decision due to security reasons to save lives, because of the angry fans. He noted that the officials and organisers were in danger, so he had to think outside the box to make it a Technical Draw and consult the UBO..

The GBA later wrote a letter to the UBO to rectify the result.

Officials of the UBO watched the bout and condemned the Technical Draw decision. They gave the verdict to Rasheed Idowu, declaring him as the legitimate UBO Africa Light Heavyweight “Since we cant see that Mr. Rasheed did anything wrong” . According to UBO, the winner was a victim of blatant injustice after he put on an amazing performance, “we feel it is only right that Mr. Rasheed is recognized as the UBO Africa Light Heavyweight champion”.

“It is human to make mistakes, and we are glad that the Ghana Boxing Authority has reportedly made the right decision in regards to the official result, and will report this accordingly to all record-keepers and other relevant parties”.

OFFICIAL UBO RULING: Idowu Rasheed is recognized as the Universal Boxing Organization™ (UBO) Africa Light Heavyweight champion!

Source Friends of Boxing