September 20, 2024

Ghana Table Tennis president, Mawuko Afadzinu expelled

On Saturday 24th September 2023, Association members of the Ghana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) met in Kumasi at an EMERGENCY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to appoint an INTERIM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (IMC)  after the term of some executives have expired, including GTTA President, Mr Mawuko Afadzinu.

The Interim Committee have also been tasked  to run the affairs of the  association till November 2023, when GTTA elections will be held.

They have also been tasked to oversee the upcoming elections and also ensure smooth handover from the previous administration to the new elected executives.

It will be recalled that the members of the GTTA sent a petition to get Mr Mawuko Afadzinu, the former chairman to render accounts of the Association from 2019 to date.

Again the back door amendments made in the GTTA  constitution (without following due processes) have been questioned.

During the Extraordinary General Meeting, the 2015 constitution was rendered null and void and the members have agreed to resort to the 2010 constitution until proper amendments are made at next Annual General Meeting(AGM).

Members of the IMC include Naa Abudulai Abdule Razak, the Upper West Regional chairman, Mr Tweneboah Koduah, from the Ashanti Region and Mr Philip Boateng Koranteng from the Eastern Region.