September 19, 2024

Ghana Table Tennis Association Form IMC To Oust Mawuko Afadzinu

Association members of the GTTA have met in Kumasi at the BEK-EGG to appoint an interim management committee to run the affairs of the the association till in the November when elections will be held.

This came into light when the final second term of the Mawuko Afadzinu led admistration exceeded their term in May, 2023

It will be recall that the members of the GTTA sent a petition to get Mr Mawuko, the former chairman to render accounts from 2019 to date. Again the back door amendment made in the constitution was questioned.

In summary, the 2015 constitution was rended nor and void and the members agreed to use the 2010 constitution till a new one is drawn..

Members of the IMC include Naa Abudulai Abdule Razak, the Upper West Regional chairman, Mr Tweneboah koduah, from the Ashanti Region and Mr Philip Boateng Koranteng from the Eastern Region.